It is our mission to successfully integrate Army training with sound land and natural resource management at Camp Edwards.
We strive to provide friendly service to all persons, military or civilian. The Natural Resource Office is responsible for Natural Resource management ranging from surveying and monitoring, to active land management such as soil erosion repair and prescribed fire. The program is guided by the Camp Edwards Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan and also administers the ITAM Program which integrates sound natural resource management with compatible military training.
The Natural Resource Office on Camp Edwards employs up to 12 people, 4 of whom are full-time personnel. During the field season, the Natural Resource office hires 4 to 8 seasonal employees. These employees aid the office in conducting vegetation monitoring, small mammal mark-and-recapture surveys, rare species surveys, box turtle and whip-poor-will research, and land management activities. Seasonal employees come from all areas of New England and beyond, with formal training and education in the Natural Sciences. Their interests, expertise and service are an invaluable contribution to our program.
Natural resource management at Camp Edwards is based upon an ecosystem level approach. Management actions generated from the current understanding of ecological interactions and processes are necessary to sustain ecosystem structure and function over the long-term (Ecological Society of America 1996, as cited by Ciaranca et al 2001). Such a landscape scale, systems oriented strategy functions as an ideal solution to the management of military lands. It ensures the diversity of training grounds required for proper soldier training and readiness and the long-term integrity of natural communities.